Credit to Jamarius Taylor for thinking up this one. The idea is that visitors that are new have the opportunity to return to the site (just like customers who buy once have an opportunity to buy more). Obviously, not every site can reasonably expect all visitors to return, and, even those that do will have differing timeframes within which they would expect visitors to return.

Nonetheless, this seems to be an illustrative example. We’re going to use a waterfall chart for the visualization. The waterfalls package offers one option for doing this, but that doesn’t exactly seem to be a mainstream package, so this example simply relies on plain ol’ ggplot2 and the various machinations required therein.

Website Churn

If a website has zero churn, then we would expect each week’s users to be the number of users from the _previous week plus the number of new users from the current week. This assumes that active users return at least once per week (which is fair, if, clearly, an ideal that is unachievable):

\[[\#\ of\ Users\ Current\ Week] = [\#\ of\ Users\ Previous\ Week] + [\#\ of\ New\ Users\ Current\ Week]\]

Therefore, one way to calculate the churn is to take that theoretical ideal and subtract the actual number of users from it. That would be the number of non-returning users:

\[[Churned\ Visitors] = [\#\ of\ Users\ Previous\ Week] + [\#\ of\ New\ Users\ Current\ Week] - [\#\ of\ Users\ Current\ Week]\]

The churn rate would then be:

\[[Churn\ Rate] = \frac{[Churned\ Visitors]}{[\#\ of\ Users\ Previous\ Week]}\]

We’re not actually going to calculate Churn Rate in this example…but we could.


Be sure you’ve completed the steps on the Initial Setup page before running this code.

For the setup, we’re going to load a few libraries, load our specific Google Analytics credentials, and then authorize with Google.

# Load the necessary libraries. These libraries aren't all necessarily required for every
# example, but, for simplicity's sake, we're going ahead and including them in every example.
# The "typical" way to load these is simply with "library([package name])." But, the handy
# thing about using the approach below -- which uses the pacman package -- is that it will
# check that each package exists and actually install any that are missing before loading
# the package.
if (!require("pacman")) install.packages("pacman")
pacman::p_load(googleAnalyticsR,  # How we actually get the Google Analytics data
               tidyverse,         # Includes dplyr, ggplot2, and others; very key!
               devtools,          # Generally handy
               googleVis,         # Useful for some of the visualizations
               scales)            # Useful for some number formatting in the visualizations

# Authorize GA. Depending on if you've done this already and a .ga-httr-oauth file has
# been saved or not, this may pop you over to a browser to authenticate.

ga_auth(token = ".ga-httr-oauth")

# Set the view ID and the date range. If you want to, you can swap out the Sys.getenv()
# call and just replace that with a hardcoded value for the view ID. And, the start 
# and end date are currently set to choose the last 30 days, but those can be 
# hardcoded as well.
view_id <- Sys.getenv("GA_VIEW_ID")
end_date <- Sys.Date() - as.POSIXlt(Sys.Date())$wday - 1   # The most recent Saturday
start_date <- end_date - 55                                # 8 weeks earlier

If that all runs with just some messages but no errors, then you’re set for the next chunk of code: pulling the data.

Pull the Data

This is pretty straightforward. We just need to pull users and new users by week (this could also be done by week):

# Pull the data. See ?google_analytics_4() for additional parameters.
ga_data <- google_analytics(viewId = view_id,
                              date_range = c(start_date, end_date),
                              metrics = c("users", "newUsers"),
                              dimensions = c("week","year"))

# Go ahead and do a quick inspection of the data that was returned. This isn't required,
# but it's a good check along the way.
week year users newUsers
33 2018 1063 874
34 2018 1121 934
35 2018 1049 866
36 2018 992 825
37 2018 966 807
38 2018 1034 864

Data Munging

Start by Ordering the Data

This just ensures the data is easy enough to look at and interpret.

# Using dplyr, sort by year and week.
ga_data <- ga_data %>%
  arrange(year, week)

# Take a quick look at the result.
week year users newUsers
33 2018 1063 874
34 2018 1121 934
35 2018 1049 866
36 2018 992 825
37 2018 966 807
38 2018 1034 864

Calculate the Churned Visitors

# Calculate the churn and add some date levels
totals_and_churn_df <- ga_data %>%
  mutate(previous_week_users = lag(users, 1, default = 0)) %>%         # Get previous week users
  mutate(churned_users = previous_week_users + newUsers - users) %>%   # Calculate churned users
  mutate(date = paste(year,week, sep="-")) %>%                         # Calculate a "week" as YYYY-WW
  mutate(date = factor(date, levels = date)) %>%                       # Make date a factor
  select(date, users, newUsers, previous_week_users, churned_users)

# NA the churned users and new users for the first row
totals_and_churn_df$churned_users[1] <- NA
totals_and_churn_df$newUsers[1] <- NA

# Display the results
date users newUsers previous_week_users churned_users
2018-33 1063 NA 0 NA
2018-34 1121 934 1063 876
2018-35 1049 866 1121 938
2018-36 992 825 1049 882
2018-37 966 807 992 833
2018-38 1034 864 966 796

Prep the Data to Be a Ready for Plotting

Unfortunately, waterfall charts are kind of tricky to do in ggplot2. But, we can use geom_rect() to draw this, which means we need to define the min and max for x and y for each box on the chart. We’ll go ahead and introduce some redundancy in the plotting for the sake of clarity by defining three types of bars that, for each week, will appear in this order:

  • newUsers – these are the new users for each week; we’ll plot these as green
  • churned_users – these are the churned users each week; we’ll plot these as red
  • users – these are the actual users for each week; we’ll plot these as gray

The xmin and xmax for each of these will differ: newUsers will be offset to the left of the week, and users will be offset to the right. Yeesh. This is confusing. And it takes a bit of code to get that all worked out:

# Add a few intermediate values that we'll use after we convert to a long forma
waterfall_df <- totals_and_churn_df %>% 
  mutate(week_max = users + churned_users,
         week_current_users = users)

# Convert to long format
waterfall_df <- waterfall_df %>% 
  gather(key = "user_type", value = "number_of_users", 
         -date, -previous_week_users, -week_max, -week_current_users,
         na.rm = TRUE)

# Function to calculate xmin, xmax, ymin, and ymax when passed a row from the
# data set.
calc_rect_coords <- function(date, previous_week_users, week_max,
                             week_current_users, user_type, number_of_users){
  x_offset <-  0.25   # Base offset for x for rects
  bar_half_width <- 0.1  # Define the bar width

  if(user_type == "users"){
    xmin <- as.numeric(date) + x_offset - bar_half_width - 0.02  # Make it a little wider
    xmax <- as.numeric(date) + x_offset + bar_half_width + 0.02
    ymin <- 0
    ymax <- number_of_users
    user_type = "Users"
  } else if(user_type == "churned_users"){
    xmin <- as.numeric(date) - bar_half_width
    xmax <- as.numeric(date) + bar_half_width
    ymin <- week_current_users
    ymax <- week_current_users + number_of_users
    user_type = "Churned Users"
  } else 
    # New Users
    xmin <- as.numeric(date) - x_offset - bar_half_width
    xmax <- as.numeric(date) - x_offset + bar_half_width
    ymin <- previous_week_users
    ymax <- previous_week_users + number_of_users
    user_type = "New Users"
  result = data.frame(date = date,
                      user_type = user_type,
                      xmin = xmin,
                      xmax = xmax,
                      ymin = ymin,
                      ymax = ymax)

# Build out all of our rectangles. 
plot_data <- pmap_dfr(waterfall_df, calc_rect_coords)

# This trashes our nice date factor, so drop the one that came back
# and add on our original
plot_data <- select(plot_data, -date)
plot_data <- cbind(plot_data, waterfall_df$date)
plot_data <- plot_data %>% 
  select(date = `waterfall_df$date`,
         xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)

# Display the head
head(plot_data, 20)
date user_type xmin xmax ymin ymax
2018-33 Users 1.13 1.37 0 1063
2018-34 Users 2.13 2.37 0 1121
2018-35 Users 3.13 3.37 0 1049
2018-36 Users 4.13 4.37 0 992
2018-37 Users 5.13 5.37 0 966
2018-38 Users 6.13 6.37 0 1034
2018-39 Users 7.13 7.37 0 1098
2018-40 Users 8.13 8.37 0 1059
2018-34 New Users 1.65 1.85 1063 1997
2018-35 New Users 2.65 2.85 1121 1987
2018-36 New Users 3.65 3.85 1049 1874
2018-37 New Users 4.65 4.85 992 1799
2018-38 New Users 5.65 5.85 966 1830
2018-39 New Users 6.65 6.85 1034 1975
2018-40 New Users 7.65 7.85 1098 2007
2018-34 Churned Users 1.90 2.10 1121 1997
2018-35 Churned Users 2.90 3.10 1049 1987
2018-36 Churned Users 3.90 4.10 992 1874
2018-37 Churned Users 4.90 5.10 966 1799
2018-38 Churned Users 5.90 6.10 1034 1830

Data Visualization

With all that data prep, we can now plot the results. The way to read this is that, each week, there is a number of users. Then, for the next week, in order, we:

The thing that may be a little misleading here is that we’re making an assumption that “non-churned users” actually return to the site each subsequent week. But, that may not be too bad, especially if we’re looking to illustrate that it’s a constant battle to get new traffic to the site!

As one note, ideally, this chart would also include horizontal lines connecting the top of each Users bar to the bottom of each New Users bar, from the top of each New Users bar to the top of each Churned Users bar, and from the bottom of each Churned Users bar to the top of each Users bar. But, that’s an even bigger hassle, so it’s not included here.

# Define the theme
theme_waterfall <- theme_light() +
  theme(legend.position = "top",
        legend.title = element_blank(),
        plot.title = element_text(hjust=0.5),
        panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
        panel.border = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks = element_blank(),
        axis.title = element_blank())

# Build the actual plot. What we're actually doing here is drawing each bar as a
# separate rectangle.
gg_results <- ggplot(plot_data, aes(xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax,
                                    fill = user_type, x=date)) +
  geom_rect() +
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("#f98e8e","#8ee26a","gray60")) +
  scale_y_continuous(label = comma, expand = c(0,0)) +
  labs(title = "Waterfall of Users Over Time", y="Users") +

# Output the plot

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